Antalya: Unveiling a Journey Through History

Discover Antalya's mesmerizing blend of history and beauty. Explore ancient cities like Perge & Aspendos, marvel at the majestic Yivli Minaret, and delve into Roman ruins and Lycian tombs. Plan your historical adventure in Antalya today!

Antalya: Unveiling a Journey Through History

The Historical Beauties of Antalya

Antalya, located on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, is a city renowned for its historical richness. This city offers unforgettable experiences to its visitors with both its natural beauty and historical heritage. The historical beauties of Antalya encompass a wide range, from ancient times to the Ottoman Empire. Here is a detailed examination of the historical wealth of Antalya.

1. Ancient Cities


Perge is located 17 km east of Antalya and is one of the important cities of the ancient Pamphylia region. Founded in the 12th century BC, Perge saw significant development during the Roman Empire. The city’s walls, agora, stadium, theater, and colonnaded streets offer visitors the architectural splendor of ancient Rome.


Aspendos, located within the borders of the Serik district, is famous for its ancient theater. Built in the 2nd century BC, this theater is notable for its 15,000-seat capacity and excellent acoustics. The Aspendos Theater still hosts various cultural events today.


Termessos is located in the northwest of Antalya, within the Güllük Mountain National Park. Established at an altitude of 1,000 meters above sea level, this ancient city captivates visitors with its natural beauty and well-preserved structures. The city walls, theater, agora, and tombs reveal the historical texture of Termessos.

2. Kaleiçi

Kaleiçi is one of the oldest residential areas in Antalya and remains a neighborhood that preserves its historical texture. With its narrow streets, Ottoman-era houses, boutique hotels, and restaurants, Kaleiçi lies at the heart of the city. Important historical structures such as Hadrian’s Gate, Hıdırlık Tower, and the Broken Minaret are also located here.

3. Yivli Minaret

The Yivli Minaret is one of the symbols of Antalya, built by the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad in the 13th century. This 38-meter-high minaret, with its eight fluted structure, is visible from all over Antalya and is still used as a mosque today.

4. Alanya Castle

Alanya Castle is located in the Alanya district of Antalya and was built by the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad in the 13th century. This castle, situated 250 meters above sea level, features 6 km-long walls and various historical structures within. Notable buildings within the castle include the Red Tower, Ehmedek, Süleymaniye Mosque, and Bedesten.

5. Phaselis Ancient City

Phaselis is located near the Kemer district of Antalya and was founded by Rhodian colonists in the 7th century BC. Known as an important port city in ancient times, Phaselis is famous for its three harbors. The city walls, agora, theater, and aqueducts are significant parts of its historical heritage.

6. Olympos and Chimera

Olympos is located west of Antalya, near the Kemer district, and is one of the important cities of the Lycian region. Famous for its ancient ruins and natural beauty, Olympos is also home to the mythological Chimera flames. Chimera is known as a natural phenomenon where underground gases come to the surface and burn.

7. Myra and St. Nicholas Church

Myra is located in the Demre district of Antalya and is an important ancient city of the Lycian region. Known for its rock tombs and Roman theater, Myra also hosts the St. Nicholas Church, which holds a significant place in Christian history. St. Nicholas, also known as Santa Claus, is commemorated by this church.

8. Selge Ancient City

Selge is located in the Manavgat district of Antalya. As one of the important cities of the Pisidia region, Selge is especially noted for its theater and agora. The city also captivates visitors with its surrounding natural beauty.

9. Xanthos and Letoon

Xanthos and Letoon are significant ancient cities of the Lycian region and are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Xanthos, the capital of Lycia, is known for its monumental tombs and mosaics. Letoon, the religious center of Lycia, is notable for the temples dedicated to Leto, Apollo, and Artemis.

10. Patara Ancient City

Patara is located near the Kaş district of Antalya and is one of the most important port cities of Lycia. Also serving as the capital of the Lycian League, Patara is famous for its theater, parliament building, and water channels. Additionally, Patara Beach is renowned for its natural beauty and the caretta caretta sea turtles.


Antalya offers unique experiences to its visitors with its historical wealth and natural beauty. Ancient cities, castles, minarets, and other historical structures reveal the city’s millennia-old history. Those who visit Antalya have the opportunity to explore traces of the past among these historical beauties. Every corner of the city holds a different historical story, creating the enchanting atmosphere of Antalya.

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